The Malacia Tapestry

Publisher’s Blurb
Jostling through the light and shadow of Malacia’s streets goes a crowd of people; dukes, wealthy merchants, bankrupt families, actresses, priests, courtesans, spongers, soldiers, and down-at-heel showmen. They are seen through the eyes of Perian de Chirolo, actor and man-about-town, whose adventures take him through all strata of Malacian society and into the heart of its darkest secrets, lay and spiritual. Episodes idyllic and chilling follow each other in comic succession . . . . . . This atmospheric novel . . . . . . sets out in dramatic form many of the conflicts and contradictions of our own day and is the most excitingly original story yet told by an author of incomparable vitality and imagination.

Brian Says

A picaresque novel which attempts to capture something of the mysterious world of G. B. Tiepolo’s etchings. The down-at-heel actor, de Chirolo, sees everything in the embalmed city state of Malacia as art or artifice, until reality catches up with him

FIRST EDITION: Jonathan Cape, 1976

1. Jonathan Cape, London, 1976 Hardcover
2. Harper & Row, Hagerstown, New York, 1977 Hardcover
3. Panther Books, London, 1978 – reprinted 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986 Paperback
4. Ace Books, New York, 1978 – reprinted 1981 Hardcover
5. as: Der Malacia-Gobelin, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München, 1978 Paperback
6. as: El Tapiz de Malacia, Minatauro, Barcelona, 1984 Hardcover
7. Berkley Books, New York, 1985 Paperback
8. Sanrio, Tokyo, 1986 Paperback
9. Methuen, London, 1988 Paperback
10. House of Stratus, London, 2001 Paperback